Hi all,

                 Sorry that i couldn't write the solutions in last 3 days guys... But i will tell you the solutions for the Hindrances above...

There are many Solutions to the Hindrances.... But i am going to tell you some of the solutions which will be of much useful in your business...

1. FAMILY & RELATIVES : This is the hardest part of all... Here you have to work out two things..
             1. You can make your FAMILY and RELATIVES understand : Just explain the plan of your business which you can say to them... Don't ever explain the CONFIDENTIAL things. Just illustrate the plan in a POWER POINT or in WHITE BOARD using a BOARD MARKER. And make them understand that you definitely can earn a lot in this business.

              2. PROVE YOURSELF : You have to prove yourself by earning a lot of money in your business. Then they will definitely trust you... Until then Be POSITIVE and leave their Negative word...

2. CAPITAL : As i said in my previous article, you can get a loan very easily from a bank if your plan is very good and you can start a business right away... Don't ever ask for a loan from relatives, because it can make your relationships bitter... Because in banks , you just have to pay the interest Monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly or Yearly...which you can arrange it with the profit you earn from your business and eventually you can give away the CAPITAL or PRINCIPLE AMOUNT . But If your relative comes and asks for half or the full PRINCIPLE AMOUNT suddenly, and if you can't give it then you will be in an ambiguous situation.

3. EMPLOYEE/WORKERS : Analyze in other companies , with your friends, coach etc.. for the comparison of the salaries o f the EMPLOYEES / WORKERS . Then when you are ready to give the salaries out , just think on your own if you can afford the salary which you are wanting to give them. You can definitely INCREASE OR DECREASE their salaries which you want to give them. You can give them INCREMENT at later stages to boost their morale  and you can also throw out the employees who are not efficient to work in your company. Give them 1 month to improve as you will be having a small company at the start . You can increase this 1 month window( if you want to) after you (Company) are grown a lot .

NOTE: Don't keep the EMPLOYEES/WORKERS who are not efficient in your company for a couple of month or so even if he/she is a relative (brother, sister etc... ) of yours.

4. REPORT/PROCEDURE : For a REPORT  , you hire a supervisor or manager , and give them strict instructions to check and learn the numbers which are being processed in each and every step of the production or service you are providing. And the reports should be submitted in at least a weak. And in everyday Basis you should know what is going on.

You have to implement the different procedures through your manager or supervisor... which will be easy and simple for you . You don't have to work that hard... Your manager will work for you...

5. PLANNING : You have to plan the target for each and every worker every day / every week / every month... Like I said already , Your Manager/Supervisor will implement it for you. You have to approve each and every plan before the manger implements it. It also helps you to know the targets achieved every month by your company, and will also help you to plan for your NEXT STEP towards developing your company.

NOTE : Your punctuality is the most important part in each of the processes you do and from the start to the end you have to keep your punctuality on the top of all the processes you do. 

Dhandeshwaran K S